Take care and have a good year in 2011 nannyjean
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year
HI everybody just wanted to wish everybody a Happy New Year and share with you the mums I found at Walmarts
. They are yellow with a red trim around the edge. They sure are different.
Take care and have a good year in 2011 nannyjean
Take care and have a good year in 2011 nannyjean
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Eyelet Hats
Hi, Everybody hope you all had a nice Christmas and are getting ready for a Happy New Year. Its hard to believe another year has passed so quickly. Have you ever thought of how many projects you got done in the pass year and how many you are planning on doing this year ? Think about it sometime.! ! That would be interesting to take a poll sometime. I am working on fingerless gloves and a few different cowls now for the rest of the winter. With another snow storm coming I guess we will all get a lot of Knitting done again. These are my hats I did for Christmas Presents. Now I have a request for a Afghan from my granddaughter because she outgrow her other one. So there is a project to start the new year out and many more to follow I"m sure ! ! Happy New Year nannyjean
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Still Booming
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Yarn Cupcakes
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A little up date
I just wanted to get a little up date on our workshop which we are having on Oct 16 2010 at the Laruel Arts in the Georigan Mall with Melissa Leapman. Jancis and Allison are on top of everything and I am sure we all will have a good time. We have a nice sign up list of 30 plus. Has everybody did their Homework ? ? I am still working on mine. We also have Knitting Guild next Thur at 6;30 .
My eyelet hat for Andrea is coming along great I only need less then 2 inches of ribbing. She will be home this long weekend and maybe It will be done for her to take back to school.
Also I started to make the buttons for my pillow and that will be another project done.
I have a few lace shawl patterns which I want to start next. I also must work on my socks.
I also won a book called Cowlgirls by Cathy Carron at Shear Bagatelle blog and there are a few cowls in there I want and need to make. Sounds like the cold weather is leaving and we are going to have a nice weekend. PS about time. Take care see you soon nannyjean
My eyelet hat for Andrea is coming along great I only need less then 2 inches of ribbing. She will be home this long weekend and maybe It will be done for her to take back to school.
Also I started to make the buttons for my pillow and that will be another project done.
I have a few lace shawl patterns which I want to start next. I also must work on my socks.
I also won a book called Cowlgirls by Cathy Carron at Shear Bagatelle blog and there are a few cowls in there I want and need to make. Sounds like the cold weather is leaving and we are going to have a nice weekend. PS about time. Take care see you soon nannyjean
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Since the railing was bear now then I got another job to do Paint the railing which I did the next day. Now the floor is next when the weather is right to do that.
I must make bottons for my pillow and then it is done. The color is really for fall My eyelet hat is coming along too I am on the ribbing and have about 2 inches done and need 6 inches more. As for my socks i am ready to start the foot so all I need is time and maybe tomorrow while I am watching football I will get some knitting done.
Going to Allisons on Monday for Knit In and will get some Knitting done then. It will be a nice drive to see the changing of the leaves now . Take care Jean
Monday, September 13, 2010
My Barrel

They keep on blooming but a little rain would help. That is one plant in the barrel a vining petunia. This morning when I went to get my morning paper a rabbit was sitting in one of my baskets eating my yellow Daisy's. I didn't sit them up last night on my glider.
Today was Knit In at my house and it was a nice sunny day.Everybody had their projects to work on and chat about the latest yarn that they saw and got to add to there stash. We also talked about knitting with beads and want to start a Bead Project.
Which means a field trip to Pittsburgh to some yarn shops. We are working on our homework for the Workshop coming up in Oct 16 which sounds interesting. When the ladies left I had to show them my dahlias and my mums. My flowers really all did good this year.
Monday, September 6, 2010
My Pride and joy

Been working on my pillow all I have to do is make my buttons and put then on. Started another Eyelet Hat for my granddaugther ready to start the band knit 2 purl 2 for about 8 inches.
We are having our Guild workshop in October and we have to do some homework for it.I just got my yarn ready today to start the famous swatchs. I think we are going to have a good time and learn a lot. We did'nt have Knit In today because of the holiday and it just seems something is missing today.
Hope you all had a nice Holiday
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
My felted knitting bag

Just thought I would have to finally take a picture of my Knitting Bag which I use all the time. I just love it. I guess you can tell my favorite colors
Our Knit In on Monday was in Shanksville at Wendys House. And it was a nice day to sit outside and knit on her porch or in the sun in her yard. We had 12 ladies there and also a little one( a granddaugther) of one of the ladies. Of course Wendy had a nice little lunch for everybody and then back to knitting and checking what everybody was working on and solving some problems we were having like me and my socks right Janice but that is the nice thing about our Knit In's there is always somebody there to help. Hope to see you all next week.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A few new projects
I been a little busy and not blogging too much lately but hope to do better. Started a new Eyelet Hat for my granddaughter for Winter also a Baby Blanket for a neighbors granddaughter who is expecting a baby. I am going to trying to do a pair of socks at one time. I put them on a circular needles. I hope it works. I will try anything ONCE But I must also finish my pillow which was interesting and fun to do and I will take a picture when it is finished. Because we all used different yarns they turned out different and very colorful. Allison your idea was a good project for the guild and everybody enjoyed doing it
We all had a nice KNIT IN on Monday at Janice's Sun Porch and the weather was great" perfect"weather for relaxing and enjoying each others company and ideas. We do get some knitting done too and also have time to have a little lunch which we all enjoy.
We are looking forward to and planning for our workshop with Melissa Leapman which will be held Oct 16 2010. More later .
We all had a nice KNIT IN on Monday at Janice's Sun Porch and the weather was great" perfect"weather for relaxing and enjoying each others company and ideas. We do get some knitting done too and also have time to have a little lunch which we all enjoy.
We are looking forward to and planning for our workshop with Melissa Leapman which will be held Oct 16 2010. More later .
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Traveling Woman

Its been a while since I blogged but I was under the weather a little bit. I guess it was a bug. Or maybe because of too many picnics over a long weekend. I finished my shawl The Traveling Woman and now I must block it tomorrow. I put a crochet edge on it all around which set it off. I also have been working on my Pillow plus also my socks. I finished a helmet liner and a kemo hat. Just trying to caugth up on a lot of unfinished projects. So I can start a few new Patterns I have my eye on .
Our Knit In group went to see the alpacas at a local farm . They have two mamas ,a year old female and two babies. They were very friendly because the family have 2 girls ages 5&7 who play with them all the time.
Hope everybody is enjoying the nice weather finally.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Meet Saucy Sam

Meet Saucy Sam which some of the ladies are making as some of their other projects. We use Peaches and Creme yarn and I used color Fiesta (mexcian) on the one on the right side. I used sock yarn on the middle one. I like the Peaches and Creme better. Some of the ladies made dishcloths to match. Which makes nice little gifts. The bottles are Red Hot sauce. Just another way to use your left over yarn. Have a nice day
Monday, June 21, 2010
Knit In today
We had our Knit In at Allison's today and sat on her screened in porch which was a real treat. It was so relaxing with the birds flying in for their treats and waiting for her friend to show up a (squirel) who enjoys the treats too and her backyard is full of flowers and her ponds with the water lillies.
Everybody had their present project with them and was working on it while we was all chatting about different ideas to do. And we decided on a Field trip which always is fun. That means we need some more Yarn for our stash.
And then we had our snack which was the best part of the day. Allison always come through with something different and good.
I think we all had a good time because 2 oclock came before we knew it.
Thanks Allison.
Everybody had their present project with them and was working on it while we was all chatting about different ideas to do. And we decided on a Field trip which always is fun. That means we need some more Yarn for our stash.
And then we had our snack which was the best part of the day. Allison always come through with something different and good.
I think we all had a good time because 2 oclock came before we knew it.
Thanks Allison.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Rainy day
What kind of weather are we having lately ? A beautiful day yesterday to mow the grass and clean out the flower beds and just be outside then today it rained all day a good rainy rainy day to knit and knit to get caught up on some projects waiting in the baskets.
We had a nice Knit In at Jugutis with 10 Ladies this week on Monday, Some was working on the f irst lesson for the pillow because we get the the second lesson on Thursday night at Guild Meeting. I think it is a fun project to do and the different yarns are really showing up so nicely.
.Allison finished her daughters shawl and it is beautiful.
Hope to see all of you ladies at Guild Meeting on Thursday night at 6:30.
We had a nice Knit In at Jugutis with 10 Ladies this week on Monday, Some was working on the f irst lesson for the pillow because we get the the second lesson on Thursday night at Guild Meeting. I think it is a fun project to do and the different yarns are really showing up so nicely.
.Allison finished her daughters shawl and it is beautiful.
Hope to see all of you ladies at Guild Meeting on Thursday night at 6:30.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Busy busy
Hope everybody had a nice Holiday weekend. The weather was great. I finished my Traveling Woman shawl and now I must block it. It turned out nice. Now I must get my act together and find another lace shawl Pattern to put on the needles. In the mean time I am making my little mexican Men. I am on my fourth one
I got my garden planted on monday with tomatoes peppers,squash and cucumbers and onions.
Also my flowers garden is in full bloom. I planted my baskets and put them out one day and that night the rabbits ate all the flowers off and all that was left was the stems. But now they are coming back because I put them on the porch at night . You win some and you lose some.
Hopefully I will have some pictures the next time.
I got my garden planted on monday with tomatoes peppers,squash and cucumbers and onions.
Also my flowers garden is in full bloom. I planted my baskets and put them out one day and that night the rabbits ate all the flowers off and all that was left was the stems. But now they are coming back because I put them on the porch at night . You win some and you lose some.
Hopefully I will have some pictures the next time.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Knit In

Just a little note about knit in today. Betty was the hostess today and seven ladies showed up to day. We are working on a Pillow Pattern as a group which is interesting. Five of the ladies was working on theirs today. We all have different yarn and colors and can't wait to see them when they are all done.
Also one of the ladies had a story to tell us about a baby deer that she discovered in her back yard while weeding her flowers
over the weekend and how the Mother came back for it later. She took pictures of it on her cell phone.
It was another relaxing day of Knitting and friendship.
Saturday, May 15, 2010

I told you I had a picture. O.K. girls here is Hennettla a chicken and she lays eggs too.
What a nice day we had today and for a nice ride to the Amish greenhouses for my flowers today. One greenhouse had all flowers and they were really pretty and lots of them. and don't forget the vegetables too they were in another greenhouse. Everybody had the same Idea because they were really busy. Now the fun begins planting them but I like to do it and enjoy the results. I plant most of them in baskets and sit them on my porch and steps and sidewalks.
Hope everybody enjoyed the day and hope it is the same tomorrow.
Thursday, May 6, 2010

I guess I had a senior moment in my last blog because I called NORM a LAMB but he is really a GOAT. He does have a pen buddy of a Lamb and another Goat. Some day you all will have these senior moments which can be funny sometimes and embarrassing other times.! !
Still working on my Traveling Woman Shawl. We had a nice day at Knit In by sitting in Janices Sun Room and enjoying the nice weather and her Flower and Herb garden which is right beside the sun room.Also Vickies bird watching tales which is interesting and entertaning.
I am so glad I am a knitter ! ! Not a farmer.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Meet Norm

Meet my granddaugthers latest pet Lamb. He only weighs 20 lbs and followes her everywhere she goes. He is as cute as a button.
I am still working on my Traveling Women Shawl. I put 3 Charts of A on and now I must do Chart B of 19 rows and I am done. I like the way it is turning out. I am using cotton yarn.
Another week went by so fast and so tomorrow is Knit In again with all the ladies and our weekly get together to chat and see all the projects everybody is working on.
I hope we get some nicer weather this week so I can get some work done in my flower beds. The yards are getting greener and need mowed once a week which is good. And the flowers are so colorful every where you look So enjoy mother nature.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Knitting Bag

Just thought I would show you my Knitting Bag which I made a few years ago and like very much and use all the time. I used six different colors and they turned out pretty colorful the way I put them together.
Still working on my traveling woman shawl and looking for another pattern to put on the needles.
I was out and about today and the flowers and Trees are still so beautiful every where you go. Now all we need is a little more warmer weather and P.S, I never complain about the hot weather. Have a good night.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Time flys !
Its been a week since I blogged. Were did the time go. We had our Monday Knit It on Monday and had nine ladies there which is good . We all had out projects we was working on. A lot of different subjects was talked about.
I checked my flower beds and my how all the flowers are growing. Also the onions that I put in there are up about 6 inches. The parsley and rhubarb in my garden is really doing good too. I used some of the parsley today.
My Traveling Women shawl in coming along . I am using 100% cotton yarn. Hopefully I can put a picture on the next time. I also started a baby blanket out of some stash yarn. Still looking for a new shawl pattern. Hope the weather gets warmer next week. Take care.
I checked my flower beds and my how all the flowers are growing. Also the onions that I put in there are up about 6 inches. The parsley and rhubarb in my garden is really doing good too. I used some of the parsley today.
My Traveling Women shawl in coming along . I am using 100% cotton yarn. Hopefully I can put a picture on the next time. I also started a baby blanket out of some stash yarn. Still looking for a new shawl pattern. Hope the weather gets warmer next week. Take care.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Spring has Arrived
Spring Showers bring May Flowers and green grass. They mowed my yard for the first time this year and what a difference that made. Was in Bedfort yesterday and they are 2 weeks ahead of us and everything was in FULL bloom flowers and trees were just beautiful. The crabapple trees were so full also the trees that lined the streets were so full too Since I ran around yesterday and didn't get to much knitting done but I made up for it today. I am working on The Traveling Women Shawl. I finshed my Eyelet Hat. I am looking for another Shawl Pattern to put on the needles. I like to has a few projects going at the same time.
Enjoy the warm weather
Enjoy the warm weather
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter
Since I haven't been blogging this week just a few up dates. I have been working in my flower beds because the daffodils and crocuses are blooming and needed the leaves taken off. It sure is pretty every where with the daffodils in full bloom. And the weather was great all week. Hope it stays that way next week too.
Haven't got too much knitting done except got my Eyelet Hat done. Looking for a shawl Pattern. Have some cotton yarn in my stash which I want to use.
Tomorrow we have Knit In .Didn't have it last week because of the Holiday so it will be nice to see the ladies and get caught up on the latest knitting news and their latest projects.
Hope everybody had a Happy Easter I know I did because I cooked and had my family for dinner. nannyjean
Haven't got too much knitting done except got my Eyelet Hat done. Looking for a shawl Pattern. Have some cotton yarn in my stash which I want to use.
Tomorrow we have Knit In .Didn't have it last week because of the Holiday so it will be nice to see the ladies and get caught up on the latest knitting news and their latest projects.
Hope everybody had a Happy Easter I know I did because I cooked and had my family for dinner. nannyjean
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hope everybody had a nice Palm Sunday rain and all . Two more days of rain and then it is supposed to be nice the rest of the week maybe in the high 60's for Easter. Well it has been a long week but I did get some onions planted this week in one of my flower beds. I still have room for a few more later next week. Can't wait until I can work out side in my yard. The daffodils are coming along. Also the mums are peeping up too.
I am just about done with my Eyelet Hat. Been looking for a lace pattern for another Shaw to put on the needles. Finished one more helmet liner. Cast on for another chemo hat next .
Enjoy the nice week coming.
I am just about done with my Eyelet Hat. Been looking for a lace pattern for another Shaw to put on the needles. Finished one more helmet liner. Cast on for another chemo hat next .
Enjoy the nice week coming.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Nice Weekend
We sure did have a nice weekend. hope you got out to enjoy the sun shine. We had our Knit In at Vickies today with 7 ladies present. Everybody had a different project going while we chatted about the days events and different knitting patterns. Our Guild is talking about having a workshop in October which sounds interesting and fun. Still working on my hat. Started a new scarf with some yarn I got in Pittsburgh, Checked my flower beds and the daffodils and crocis are ready growing. I guess it is also time to plant onions and hopefully we can soon get out and work in the yards Have a good day tomorrow
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Spring maybe
It was a beautiful day and the sun really felt good. I did try to clean the inside of my car. I looked in my flower beds and saw the daffodils are coming up so that tells you something. But we still have a lot of snow piles of ice . I missed Guild and Knit In this week because I still am not feeling good just can't shake the bug. I have been working on my Eyelet hat and I have 6 inches of ribbing done and I need 2 more inches. I am pleased how it worked out and I love the color. Now I must do my socks next and get them done for summer. I hope everybody enjoys the rest of the weeks nice weather I am
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Victorian Lace Scarf
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Victorian Lace Shawl
Here is my Victorian Lace Shawl on the back of my couch after it was blocked. I hope we soon get warm weather and then I can wear it. It was nice over the weekend.
But we need more.

I still have the bug it just doesn't want to go away so I havn't gotten to much knitting done.
I lost my voice again today.
We had a nice Knit In on monday at Betty's and she made Tomatoe Soup which was great. We had 10 members and one guest.
We have Knitting Guild Thur night at 6;30 and hope to see you all there.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Well we finely got some better weather over the weekend. It was sunny and in the high 30s and next week it is going to the 40's maybe spring is on its way. Here is my Eyelet Cap which I have been working on this week.I am ready to put on the Ribbing . It takes 8 inches and then doubled under. The yarn is Acero - Fingering wt wool-silk.I am using size 3 needles.
The pattern is in Vogue Knitting Fall 2009. I have a shawl on the needles too. called The Traveling Woman.

Hopefully I will get some more knitting done tomorrow at Knit In with the other Ladies. Also we have Knitting Guild Thursday night at 6-30. I understand there are 4 h's coming to learn how to knit. Our Guild does this every year.
Take Care and have a good night.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Since I havn't been knitting to much lately here is a few things I have done before. First my Victorian Lace Shawl after it was blocked and under it is my Hemlock and on the floor is my felted Knitting Bag which I use every week.
Now that I am feeling better maybe I can work on my socks, eyelet hat and my new shawl that i just put on the needles this afternoon.
Hope the weather man is right when he says that we are getting into the 40's over the weekend. Sounds good. Take care
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Bad Weekend
Had to have the big snow blower come in and get rid of all the weeks snow again out of my driveway
and this morning it was about the same again. I give up. I hope March comes in like a lion and goes out like a LAMB

I can't shake this bug I have had now for a week. not to much knitting getting done except I tore out my heel on my sock again. Second time maybe the third time I will get it right
I hope you all had a better weekend than me !
Have a good night ! !
Friday, February 26, 2010

This is my car in the driveway this morning and all that I could see was the windshield and the top. Also my door was snowed shut with about 5 ft of snow and I didn.t get it opened until about 3 oclock this afternoon when the man came to blow my driveway open. The only good thing today was I got a lot of knitting done. I worked on my hat and the yarn is so nice to work with. And guess what we are getting more snow tonight. I hope your night is better than ours.
Stay warm
Snow Bound
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Close Up

Here is a close up of the Victorian Lace Shawl. It is really pretty and different. I haven't been doing much this week because I wasn't up to it and finally went to the Doctors yesterday to get something for my cough and head cold. I never had anything like this before what a bug! ! I am feeling better tonight .
I did cast on my Eyelet Cap Sat but thats all.
Maybe I will get some knitting done tomorrow because we are getting another 12 inches of snow between now and Sat morning. So when is it going to quite? ? Stay warm. Nanny Jean
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Victorian Lace Shawl

It blocked out to 25 by 62 inches. It is a nice size for me. I used Rowan 4 ply soft yarn 100% merino wool. I got the flu bug over the weekend so I havn't got much knitting done until today. Now I must get busy on my socks . Also I started the Eyelet cap from Vogue Knitting Fall 2009 with ACERO wool and silk yarn which I got in Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet. Enjoy and stay warm.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Its Blocked
Its blocked my curved shawl and I am really satisfied because it was a very hard pattern for me until I got the hang of it. It is a pretty Pattern and The first time I saw it I wanted to do. Lace always turn out nice I think . And guess what ? we saw the SUN today but still cold and maybe the same tomorrow.But then another storm coming Sunday night with freezing rain and snow. Back to square 1. and maybe all week again. Sounds like a good knitting week for me. I am going to start my hat with the yarn I got in Pittsburgh. Maybe I will put some pictures up tomorrow. Have a good night.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Knitting Basket projects

Just wanted to show you a few of my knitting projects Baskets. As you can see I like Baskets The white one had the shawl in which I just put the border on. I have one for my socks and the other two have shawls in. I like to wear shawls in the summer if it ever gets here this year. We had another bad day of more snow and more coming tomorrow. So what can I say except I hope you had better weather than we did.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Border is done ! !

I finished the border this afternoon of knitting because we are having another snow storm and blowing winds with 6 m0re inches of snow. The schools are closed again tomorrow.The name of my shawl is A curved shawl with diamond edging in the Victorian Lace Today by Jane Sowerby. I enjoy knitting Lace and her book is great. I also made her shoulder Shawl in cherry leaf pattern and it turned out real nice. Now I must block my curved shawl tomorrow. Hopefully I can take a picture and when my granddaughter comes up she can help me put it on the blog. I am just learning how to do that. So tomorrow I will put another Shawl on the needles. Summer is coming soon I hope and I like to wear Shawls.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Well What can I say enough is enough snow that is. We sure have had our share this year and getting real tired of it. But guess what we are getting another 3-5 inches as if 31 inches is not enough and it is only Feb 14 another 6 weeks until spring. So I guess we will grin and bare it. I had a nice trip yesterday.Ten of us girls from the Guild went to the 6 Annual Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet Festival. Some of the girls took classes while the rest of us shopped.
They sure had a lot of yarn to pick from. They had over 50 booths of yarn ideas and every thing else to go with it. I think we all got our share of yarn for our next projects. I know I did. I got 4 sheins of yarn for 4 new projects . We had nice weather all day until we got about 10 miles from town and it started to snow and blow and they got a couple of inches to blow. But we are home and safe after a long day of fun. Hope everybody had a Happy Valentines Day.
They sure had a lot of yarn to pick from. They had over 50 booths of yarn ideas and every thing else to go with it. I think we all got our share of yarn for our next projects. I know I did. I got 4 sheins of yarn for 4 new projects . We had nice weather all day until we got about 10 miles from town and it started to snow and blow and they got a couple of inches to blow. But we are home and safe after a long day of fun. Hope everybody had a Happy Valentines Day.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Another one coming!
Will guess what more snow and now high winds coming.. So no school again tomorrow which I am sure suits a lot of the kids until when spring comes and they have to make up the missed days. They didn't get to me to blow my driveway until after 4. I couldn't get my front door open again until they came and removed about 12 inches of snow again. They say we are getting another 5 - 8 inches over night and it is light and will blow easy. I have never seen the snow piled this high since I lived here. Hope the weather brakes tomorrow Had a another good day of knitting to pass the time and work on a few of my baskets projects. I also mixed up some cookies to bake tomorrow . Have a good night !
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
More snow
We had a sunny Monday and a good time to go grocery shopping for another week of bad weather coming which I did. They are calling for another 12 inches and I don't know where they are going to put IT. They dismissed the schools 2 hrs early today and tomorrow a lot of them are closed. Another good day to get a lot of border done on my shawl. I also started a eyelet cap in Vogueknitting fall 2009. I am using merino wool on size 3 needles. You start at the crown on this one. I seen one done and it is different and cute. I am so glad I am a knitter to keep me busy to pass the time this winter. Hope your weather is better than ours.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Clean Up Time
What a snow storm and now it is time to dig out. We did get 31 inches total. The regular Hand snow blower came and cleaned out about 2/3 of my driveway and had no where to put the rest . That was Sat but on Sunday my son brought his tractor with a bigger blower on and really widen out my driveway. making more room for the next snow arriving Tuesday and wednesday. Isn't it soon spring time ? ? By then it was time for the football game to start and get to knitting some more of the border on my shawl while watching the game.and I did get a lot done. Maybe tomorrow I will finish it. And then the fun of blocking it. I would like to have it done by Thur for knitting guild. Hope the football game went the way you wanted it too. Have a good night ! !
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Records broken !

We really got that storm and then some. All kinds of records where broken. The airports were shut down and the turnpike was tided up with 150 cars and trucks between two tolls gates and shut down over night. The snow was waist deep in my driveway this morning and my door had snow halfway up the door. I couldn't open it until someone shoveled it open. And it sounds like we are getting another storm Tuesday and Wednesday. So guess what I did all day ? I knit & knit.and got a lot done .Also we only had a few local TV stations Hopefully we get full cable tomorrow and it will be a better day. Hope you all had a better day . I am so glad I'm a Knitter.
Friday, February 5, 2010
A snow storm
It has been snowing since Noon and reallty putting it down and now blowing and starting to pile up. They say we are getting from 12 t0 18 inches and maybe more . Sounds like I will get a lot of Knitting done on some of my basket projects since they are telling everybody to stay at home. I was reading some blogs tonight and found a shawl pattern which is going to be my next one. I have the yarn in my stash so no problem there. Hope all of you have a great weekend.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A snowy day
We had a snowy and cold day which means a good day to knit and I spend a lot of time on the net looking for a pattern for a new shawl I have in mind with some yarn in my stash which I want to use. Doesn't everybody have a nice stash. ? Still working on my Victorian Lace Border. I hope to get a picture when I am done with it. It looks like reading the blogs that everybody is knitting a lot of socks too.Well it time to sign off tonight see you later.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What a day when you plan to do a few chores around the house and get things in order and end up going shopping and having lunch at Red Lobster. Also did'nt get to much knitting done either but tomorrow is another day. Also today was Groundhog Day and everbody knows what that means another 6 weeks of winter but that will fly by fast now since the days are longer. Hope you all had a good day. I did.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The sun came out this morning but still cold. It was 21 at 10 o'clock when I went into town to curves and 27 when I came home at 2 ;30 this afternoon After curves I went to KNIT IN at Betty,s . We had 7 knitting girls today. We had another nice get together of knitting and girl talk. We are talking about going to the Pittsburgh knit & crochet show on Sat Feb 13 which sounds exciting. Can't wait to see all the Yarns and new things. Still working on Victorican Lace Shawl border and finised my helmit liner. Have a good night .
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Back again
Another good day to get caught up on my knitting baskets. Did a little work on my helmit liner and on my socks also my lace shawl while watching the cooking network. you such can get some good ideas to cook for the next week. No snow but really cold. Hope everybody had a good weekend.Think I will read a few blogs and see if I can get a few new ideas.
Friday, January 29, 2010
A cold cold Day
Not much snow but very cold and windy ! ! Low 3 and high 9. Which makes a good day to stay in and get caught up on knitting.. January is soon over and then groundhog day which means 6 weeks more of winter one way or another. Still working on the border of my Victorian Lace Shawl. Also started a Valentine scarf my own pattern. Put a basket of yarn on my blog today.Trying to dress it up a little.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A good day !
Hope you all had a good day like I did. It was a sunny day so I went to curves . Than I went home and got my Victorian Lace Basket and started to put the border on my shawl. Did about 4 repeats of 16 rows. It is starting to come together. There isn't nothing nicer than a Lace Shawl can't wait until it is done. Hopefully I can take a picture when done and show you. Have a good day
Monday, January 25, 2010
I am back !
The weather was sunny and cool. Had a good day with the girls at KNIT IN at my house .We meet ever Monday from 11 to 2 at somebodies house. We work on our projects and help each other if needed. Of course we check up on the latest news on knitting in Magazines which we all get the different ones. And Of course we have a light lunch with a cup of tea. Just a nice way to spend time with other gals who like to knit and enjoy each others company. Hope everybody also had a great day doing what you enjoy ! !
Sunday, January 24, 2010
My First Blog !
I have enjoyed reading a lot of Knitting Blogs and seeing what everybody is knitting. My son heard me talking about blogs and so he set me up on this blog .I hope I can do this justice. I enjoy knitting all sort of things.I have five baskets with different projects in them all the time. I am working on a shawl out of Victorial Lace plus socks ,neck scarf., baby blanket and another ,shawl. Today was a good day for knitting because we had a lot of rain. Have a good day see you soon .
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