Sunday, May 2, 2010

Meet Norm

Meet my granddaugthers latest pet Lamb. He only weighs 20 lbs and followes her everywhere she goes. He is as cute as a button.
I am still working on my Traveling Women Shawl. I put 3 Charts of A on and now I must do Chart B of 19 rows and I am done. I like the way it is turning out. I am using cotton yarn.
Another week went by so fast and so tomorrow is Knit In again with all the ladies and our weekly get together to chat and see all the projects everybody is working on.
I hope we get some nicer weather this week so I can get some work done in my flower beds. The yards are getting greener and need mowed once a week which is good. And the flowers are so colorful every where you look So enjoy mother nature.

1 comment:

  1. Jean,
    Is that a lamb or a goat? What is his or her name? It's really cute and now I want to see the chicken !!
